Trauma and Anxiety: Addressing Trauma-Related Anxiety in Therapy

A man sits on a stairwell with his hands on his head. Has your trauma-related anxiety in Los Angeles, CA stopped you from being happy? Trauma therapy in Los Angeles, CA might be able to help. Reach out to a trauma therapist in California today!

The Link Between Trauma and Anxiety

Recent trauma research has indicated a link between a history of trauma and being diagnosed with an anxiety or adjustment disorder in adulthood. Instead of seeing anxiety disorders as a biological defect in the brain, we are learning that these responses may be heightened. This is due to an overactive nervous system. One that appropriately matched the stressors of our external environment growing up. Even if the trauma does not lead to a complete PTSD diagnosis, we can still be left with the lingering effects of trauma. This can manifest as anxiety symptoms like hypervigilance, excessive worry, panic attacks, and restlessness. If you're experiencing these symptoms, seeking help from a trauma therapist who specializes in Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA can provide you with the support and tools you need to heal and manage your trauma-related anxiety.

Trauma-Related Anxiety in Your Daily Life

There is a wide range of how severe trauma-related anxiety symptoms impair daily life. For some, anxiety can make it difficult to function in seemingly basic aspects of life. Like sleeping, running errands, or having simple interactions. For others, anxiety is more elusive. It shows up in subtle ways like people-pleasing, perfectionism, or procrastination. Regardless of the level of impairment, anxiety makes it difficult to feel connected to ourselves, be present in our relationships, and feel safe in our bodies. 

A Non-Pathological View of Trauma-Related Anxiety

It makes sense that many of us who struggle with anxiety seek therapy with the goal of eradicating it. When we do this, however, it becomes easy to demonize anxiety and see ourselves as defective or weak-willed carriers of this disorder. It becomes a battle between the individual and the anxiety. This sometimes leads to more stress, overwhelm, and shame when it doesn't "go away" as planned. As an alternative to this approach, I have found that there is so much value in slowing down. There is also value in uncovering the origins of our anxiety to treat it with more wisdom and understanding.

A man stands on the sidewalk in a park on a gloomy day. Is your trauma-related anxiety in Los Angeles, CA holding you down? Speak with a trauma therapist to see if trauma therapy in Los Angeles, CA is right for you!

EMDR: An Effective Tool for Anxiety

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) can be an effective tool for anxiety when indicated. This approach utilizes bilateral stimulation to desensitize individuals to trauma memories. While reprocessing the memories more effectively. EMDR is especially effective for individuals who can point to singular events that may have caused a spike in their anxiety around a specific trigger. These include fear of flying, medical anxiety, performance anxiety, and social anxiety. 

IFS/Parts Work: A Compassionate Approach to Trauma-Related Anxiety

Internal Family System therapy (IFS) is an effective and compassionate approach to treating trauma-related anxiety. It acknowledges the necessary function of anxiety as a protective part during the time of the trauma. It also encourages curiosity in getting to know this part in the present. Once we can truly honor the wisdom and pure intent of the anxious part of us, we can update this part. While also helping it feel safe to step back and give us space to feel whatever it is doing its best to shield us from. This approach requires patience, kindness, and a willingness to build trust and respect between ourselves and our anxiety. 

Mindfulness-Based/Somatic Approaches to Navigating Trauma

Another approach to navigating our trauma-related anxiety involves integrating mindfulness of our moment-to-moment experience. Often, the initial indicator of anxiety is rooted in bodily sensations. When these signals are chronic, it's easy to ignore them or try to force ourselves into regulation. By establishing a more intimate connection with our bodies and their subtle (or not so subtle) signals, we can better attune to what we need to do to discharge these feelings. Whether that is movement, self-soothing, rest, or seeking support. 

A woman stands in a sunflower field touching sunflowers. Wondering if Trauma Therapy can help your trauma-related anxiety in Los Angeles, CA? Speak with a trauma therapist in California today!

Move Past Trauma-Related Anxiety through Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA!

If you're struggling with trauma-related anxiety, you don't have to face it alone. Therapy on Fig offers Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, Highland Park, and throughout California. Our caring trauma therapists are dedicated to helping you heal from the effects of trauma and trauma-related anxiety. Take the first step towards reclaiming your life today. Our compassionate team is here to support you on your journey to recovery. Follow the steps below to begin:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free consultation.

  2. Speak with a compassionate trauma therapist.

  3. Work past your trauma.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Therapy on Fig in Highland Park, Los Angeles, and throughout California

At Therapy on Fig, we offer a wide range of therapy services to address trauma-related anxiety and the impact of trauma through Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, Highland Park, and throughout California. In addition to trauma therapy, we provide other therapeutic services to address needs such as Anxiety, Depression, and grief. Our commitment is to provide personalized and empathetic care. This empowers you to embark on a transformative journey toward healing. Contact us today to take the first step toward reclaiming your life from trauma and finding inner peace.

Sharon Yu