Navigating the Impact of Trauma on Dynamics & Relationships

A couple sits on the floor together. Wondering if Trauma Therapy in los Angeles, CA could help navigate the impact of trauma in Los Angeles, CA? Speak with a trauma therapist today!

Relationship conflict, family-of-origin issues, and communication challenges are some of the most common reasons people seek Trauma Therapy with Therapy on Fig. Clients often ask, "Does everything really tie back to my childhood?" While not all issues are necessarily rooted solely in one's childhood, past traumas, and stressful events can impact one's present-day relationships. Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA can be a safe space to gain clarity around how these past traumas might be impacting your relationships. While answering the question, "How did we get here?"

Three ways the Impact of Trauma can Affect One's Interpersonal Dynamics

1. Developing a hyper-awareness of others' feelings and behaviors.

Perhaps you grew up in an extremely reactive environment. One where you saw frequent angry outbursts from a parent. From a young age, you likely learned and implemented specific "tactics" to cope with the volatile environment you were in. For example, you picked up on particular cues, signs, and signals that your parent's anger escalated. While carefully noting their specific triggers. As an adult, you find yourself hyper-aware of your partner's subtle cues. Slight shifts in your partner's tone and mood might activate anxiety and fear. You frequently worry if your partner is upset at you and seek reassurance that they are not upset.

2. Developing a tendency to appease others to avoid conflict.

You may have learned early on that the safest (and only) way to resolve conflict is through peacemaking, appeasing, and agreeing with someone when they're upset. You might frequently default to saying, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault," when you notice your partner is upset. While it's good to take accountability if our actions upset others, you feel extremely anxious to the point of defaulting to self-blame. Often, appeasing to avoid conflict comes at a cost; you're left dismissing or minimizing your feelings to keep the peace.

A woman hugs a man. Wondering how the impact of trauma in los angeles, ca is affecting your relationships? Speak with a trauma therapist to see if Trauma therapy in Los Angeles, CA is right for you

3. Developing a tendency to respond with unwanted knee-jerk reactions.

You might also find yourself responding to your partner with yelling, name-calling, or even physical aggression. You didn't intend to respond this way, but it felt like a knee-jerk reaction you couldn't control. This knee-jerk reaction might then lead to extreme feelings of guilt and shame. You're left feeling like a bad partner, lousy friend, or unlovable. While this list is not exhaustive, it can be a starting point to beginning to identify how your past trauma impacts your present-day relationships. Making these connections can often stir up a mixture of feelings.

When exploring the impact of trauma, I've often heard my clients say:

  • "I'm really frustrated that the past still impacts me (and now it impacts my partner too)." 

  • "I'm disappointed because I thought I had moved past this."

  • "I feel relieved that there's now an identifiable root cause to my relationship tendencies."

Understandably, these feelings will arise when exploring trauma. I often encourage my clients to allow these feelings to serve as trailheads and insights to better understand their past traumas and relationships. Following these trailheads creates opportunities to connect with parts of ourselves. Those parts who were impacted by these traumas. By unburdening and healing these parts, we can engage in our relationships with more clarity, compassion, and connectedness.

A woman sits in a coffee shop looking stressed. Feel like the impact of trauma in los angeles, ca is too heavy to bear? A trauma therapist in California may be able to help through Trauma therapy in Los Angeles, CA. Reach out today to learn more!

Navigate the Impact of Trauma through Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA with Therapy on Fig

Discover how Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA can help you navigate the impact of trauma on your dynamics and relationships. Our experienced therapists specialize in trauma-informed care, providing compassionate support and effective strategies to heal and strengthen your relationships. Whether you're looking to address past traumas, improve communication, or rebuild trust, our tailored approach can guide you towards healing and growth. Take the first step towards a healthier, more resilient relationship with Therapy on Fig by following the steps below:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free consultation.

  2. Speak with a compassionate trauma therapist.

  3. Navigate the impact of trauma and foster better relationships!

Other Therapy Services Offered at Therapy on Fig in Los Angeles, Highland Park, and throughout California

At Therapy on Fig, we offer a comprehensive range of therapy services tailored to address the impact of trauma through Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, Highland Park, and across California. In addition to trauma-focused care, we provide specialized services to address various needs, including Anxiety, Depression, and Grief. Our dedicated therapists are committed to delivering personalized and compassionate care, empowering you to embark on a transformative journey towards healing. Contact us today to take the first step towards overcoming your trauma and achieving greater well-being.

Sharon Yu