Highland Park Couples Activities to Deepen Your Relationship

As a couples therapist, I borrow Bell Hook's definition of love.

A close up of a couple holding hands against the lights of a city at night. This could represent the bonds cultivated from working with a couples therapist in Highland Park, CA. Search for a relational therapist in Los Angeles, CA

She defines love as "the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth." She emphasizes that love is an action, not a feeling. This means that maintaining emotional intimacy in a relationship requires thoughtful and consistent intention and corresponding action. Although this can seem rather straightforward, the demands of family life, such as work, parenting, and household responsibilities, can be a major barrier to nurturing your connection. I know firsthand that taking time away from young children can feel almost impossible. Maybe you have limited childcare, or you are a breastfeeding parent, which results in a short window of time you have available. But even two hours a week of intentional time with your partner can help you deepen your bond.

Check out these local activities to start taking loving action in your relationship.

Acroyoga at Kinship

Acroyoga is a blend of yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage, which requires both partners to rely on each other for balance and support, creating a strong sense of teamwork. While enjoying a playful and physically engaging activity, couples can foster trust, improve communication, and navigate challenges.

Volunteer Together at Our House 

A close up of two people wearing “volunteer” shirts planting tree saplings. This could represent the benefits of helping others for you and your relationship. Search for couples therapy in Highland Park, CA

Engage in community service or volunteer work as a couple. Working together on a cause you both care about can provide a shared sense of purpose and reinforce shared values or be an opportunity to create new ones! Volunteering fosters teamwork and strengthens your emotional connection, whether helping at a local shelter, participating in community clean-ups, or supporting a charity event. You might find it highlights qualities in your partner you haven't been paying attention to, like empathy, generosity, and resilience. The experiences and memories through volunteer work can create a deeper connection rooted in shared kindness and meaningful contributions to the community.

Breathwork Class at Body Dada

Breathwork classes offer a powerful way to enhance mental, emotional, and physical well-being through guided breathing techniques. By consciously controlling your breath, you can release stress, increase self-awareness, and access deeper states of relaxation or energy. These classes often involve various breathing patterns that help to clear emotional blockages, improve focus, and promote overall balance. The practices you learn in a breathwork class can be taken home where you and your partner can synchronize your energy, release built-up tension, and foster a sense of calm and presence with each other. This can be a fun way to improve sensuality and get creative with your sex life!

Tech-Free Picnic at Debs Park

Have a tech-free picnic where both partners contribute to the menu! I know, I know, a picnic is so cliche. Even so, I think sharing a meal surrounded by Mother Nature can be a very simple yet meaningful way to connect. Furthermore, I often see clients who feel unseen, unheard, and ultimately neglected due to high cell phone use by their partners. By removing the distractions of devices, you can practice being fully present with your partner and be more intentional and intimate in how you relate to one another. 

A close up of a painter’s tools including a brush, paint container, and canvas. This could represent the benefits of hobbies for couples to support their relationship. Search for couples therapy in Los Angeles, CA

Learn a New Artistic Skill Together at The Art Center Highland Park

Learning a creative skill with your partner can be intimidating, especially if you aren't an especially artistic person. But if you can push yourself outside your comfort zone, try an art class, such as ceramics, metalsmithing, or mosaics. As you navigate challenges and celebrate successes in the process, you will build a sense of accomplishment and trust in each other and maybe even some extra patience with one another.

Start Working With a Couples Therapist in Highland Park, CA

Developing intimacy can be challenging, especially for those who have experienced relational wounds. However, everyone has the capacity to learn how to give and receive care and affirmation and act with love in a relationship. By taking the time to engage in meaningful and enjoyable activities together, you not only build lasting memories but also nurture the emotional intimacy that is key to a thriving relationship. Our team of caring therapists is happy to offer support from our Highland Park, CA-based practice. Start your therapy journey by following these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation.

  2. Speak with a compassionate therapist.

  3. Start creating deeper relationships!

Other Services Offered at Therapy on Fig

At Therapy on Fig, we offer therapy services that fit the unique needs of couples and individuals. In addition to Grief and loss therapy in Highland Park, CA, we also offer Therapy for Empaths, Trauma Therapy, and couples therapy. We also address related issues such as anxiety, stress management, and relationship issues. Whether you're seeking support for a specific issue or looking to strengthen your relationship overall, our therapists are here to help. Reach out today to learn more about our services and to begin your journey to a better relationship for you and your partner.

Gabriella Elise Giorgio is a Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (AMFT 140682), supervised by Sharon Yu. As a highly sensitive person and a mother, she helps individuals recover from childhood attachment injuries, couples navigate significant life changes, and women facing pregnancy and postpartum anxieties. Reach out to learn more about our experienced therapists.

Sharon Yu