​​Couples Therapy and the Transition to Parenthood

A close up of a man touching the stomach of their pregnant partner. Learn how a couples therapist in Highland Park, CA can offer support with addressing parenthood stressors. Search for relationship challenges in Los Angeles, CA to learn more

Parenthood is a beautiful and transformative journey that can bring immense joy and fulfillment to couples. However, this transition can also come with its fair share of challenges and adjustments.

These challenges and tough adjustments can look like:

  • What once felt was pretty "easy" to navigate in your relationships becomes inexplicably harder.

  • What you assumed was on the same page as your partner becomes a point of difference or conflict.

  • The disjointness and disconnection you feel at this juncture of your relationship feeds fears of incompetence and further separation.

These challenges can strain even the strongest relationships, causing tension and resentment. Couples therapy can be valuable in helping couples navigate this new chapter in their lives together.

Building a Strong Co-Parenting Relationship

One key aspect of successfully transitioning to parenthood is building a strong co-parenting relationship. Couples need to establish open and effective communication to ensure that both partners have a shared understanding of their roles and responsibilities as parents.

With the emphasis on effective and open communication, couples must feel safe enough to express their needs and concerns, cultivating the following skill sets:

  • Defining a team mentality

  • Ability to listen well

  • Give and receive understanding, empathy, and compassion

  • Compromise while holding each person's perspectives and values

  • Practicing making joint decisions that prioritize the well-being of the children

  • Cultivate an environment that isn't competitive but collaborative

Couples therapists can guide partners through conversations and exercises facilitating honest and open communication about solvable and perpetual problems. They can help couples identify potential sources of conflict and find constructive ways to address them. By working together to establish a solid foundation for co-parenting, couples can ensure that their relationship remains sturdy through this transitory time.

A mother hangs her head while standing over their crying babies crib. This could represent the stress of parenthood that a couples therapist in Highland Park, CA can help you overcome. Serarch for couples therapy in Highland Park, CA for more support

Addressing Sleep Deprivation and Communication Challenges After Baby Arrives

After the arrival of a baby, couples find themselves overwhelmed with new responsibilities, significant sleep deprivation, and limited time for themselves.

It's essential to recognize that the postpartum period is a time of immense change that requires specific adaptations from both partners.

Hormonal fluctuations, physical recovery, and/or breastfeeding challenges can also contribute to heightened emotions and stress levels for the birthing parent. This can strain their ability to communicate effectively and create frustration and resentment. In couples therapy, therapists will help partners navigate these seasonal challenges by resourcing tools and techniques to:

  • Foster greater capacity and mutual compassion during a massive transitionary time of their relationship.

  • Improve communication in areas where different ways of communicating could bring relief.

  • Explore and experiment with practical solutions when managing sleep schedules and shared caretaking responsibilities, such as creating a rotating night shift system, setting up a consistent routine for the baby, and finding ways to ensure both parents get sufficient rest.

Fostering capacity and specific communication and self-regulation skills will prevent minor issues from escalating into more significant rifts.

Overcoming Resentment and Frustration in Parenthood

Parenthood can sometimes bring about resentment and frustration, as the demands of caring for a new baby can disrupt established routines and strain emotional reserves. If left unaddressed, these emotions can strain the relationship and create distance between partners. Couples therapy offers a constructive avenue for addressing these feelings, providing tools to recognize and articulate underlying issues before they escalate. Some topics addressed are:

  • Exploring the impact of unrealistic societal expectations and their intersection with gender roles.

  • By better understanding how external factors shape relational dynamics, couples are empowered to challenge rigid traditional norms and create more equitable practices within their relationships.

  • Enhancing ways of communication, practical strategies are developed around balanced and fair sharing of responsibilities and time for each partner's self-care

Through this intentional work, couples can transform frustration into mutual support and strengthen their partnership during this transformative period.

Understanding the Impact of Parenthood on Intimacy

Physical and emotional exhaustion from caring for a newborn, increased responsibilities, and changes in the dynamics of the relationship can lead to decreased sexual desire and reduced opportunities for intimate moments. Additionally, the focus on the baby's needs can make it difficult for partners to find time for each other, leading to feelings of neglect or distance. Couples may also experience body image concerns and hormonal changes that further complicate intimacy.

In the face of new challenges disrupting routines and the status quo, couples thrive best on empathy and patience for themselves and each other.

A close up of a child's feet being held in their parent's hands. Learn how a couples therapist in Highland Park, CA can offer support for the parenthood transition. Search for a relational therapist in Los Angeles, CA

Couples therapists can help couples navigate these challenges and develop strategies to maintain their connection, such as setting aside dedicated time for intimacy. Therapy can also help explore new ways to express affection, foster emotional intimacy, and, when both partners are ready, reignite a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

Start Working with A Couples Therapist in Highland Park, CA

Couples therapy can be an essential resource for couples navigating the transition to parenthood. Couples can learn to express their feelings honestly and empathetically, fostering a deeper understanding of each other's experiences and needs. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to offer support for you and your relationship. By addressing some of the key areas mentioned above, couples can maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship and create a nurturing environment for their growing family. You can start your therapy journey with Therapy on Fig by following these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation.

  2. Speak with a compassionate couples therapist.

  3. Start preparing for the transition to parenthood!

Other Services Offered at Therapy on Fig

At Therapy on Fig, we offer therapy services that fit the unique needs of couples and individuals. In addition to couples therapy, we also offer Therapy for Empaths, Trauma Therapy, and grief and loss therapy. We also address related issues such as anxiety, stress management, and relationship issues. Whether you're seeking support for a specific issue or looking to strengthen your relationship overall, our therapists are here to help. Reach out today to learn more about our services and to begin your journey to a better relationship for you and your partner.

Gabriella Elise Giorgio is a Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (AMFT 140682), supervised by Sharon Yu. As a highly sensitive person and a mother, she helps individuals recover from childhood attachment injuries, couples navigate significant life changes, and women facing pregnancy and postpartum anxieties. Reach out to learn more about our experienced therapists.

Sharon Yu